From TreeHugger
1. Greenhouse Emissions Expected to Decline in Wake of Recession
Recent economic slump has slowed down our green house emissions. Factories aren’t producing as much junk, since we don’t have the money to buy it. And I’m ok with that. Even though emissions rates are expected to rise once the market gets back on track, it’s a good time for governments to crack down on energy efficient policies
2. Exxon Said to Pay $4 Billion For Oil Field
Basically, everything about Exxon and the oil industry disgusts me. Its like The Lorax, one day there wont be anymore oil fields for Exxon to just go and buy, its not like the earth is just crankin the stuff out. I really hope/ KNOW that we can come up with some kick ass solution/alternative to this stuff, and I look forward to it. HAHA, take that Exxon!
3. 4 Giants in Cattle Industry Agree to Help Fight Deforestation
4. Regulators Plan to Study Health Risks of Atrazine
PROBLEM: Im not sure why it takes us so long to realize that we can not just do whatever we want to our environment. Just because we think we are throwing something away does not mean its gone forever, and we never really think about where it goes: back in our drinking water. Lawn fertilizers make me mad too, lawns in general just make me mad. What is our deal with grass? (that’s another rant I guess.)
5. Who Left the Lights on? This System Knows
6. To Cut Carbon Emissions,
Jaime Salm’s lecture was really cool and he had a lot of good insight to share with all of us. My mom always gets mad because she swears she will tell me things 1000 and I don’t listen, but the minute someone else says it I hear it. Like my mother, I have a feeling Jan felt the same way as Jaime reiterated so much of what she tells us on a daily basis. Here are a few of things that stuck with me: